Monday, July 23, 2007

The Joys and Pains of Launching Our Online Store

Ok I need to vent. I have been working like a lunatic to have the Shea Radiance web site up. The original launch date was February 2007, then we had to revamp the site and planned for May 2007. Well we missed that date and we started gunning for a July 4th 2007 date, was hoping to have a great 4th of July grand opening. That didn't happen because we were having issues with our secure certificate. So we are still in this process of resolving our SSL problems and moving the web site to a different host server.

I am too embarassed to announce another launch date, so I'll just make the announcement when the site is up.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Coming soon to Shea Radiance Online Store

You are going to love these soaps!!!

Cold Crafted from raw skin softening African Shea Butter - known for centuries for its unique ability to repair, moisturize and nourish skin health - each gentle Bath Bar caresses your skin with its silky touch while aromatherapy essential oils enhance the therapeutic experience by nourishing your senses as well as your skin.

West African Black Soap

You just have to try them. You skin will thank you for the experience :)
Check them out at Shea Radiance

Friday, July 06, 2007

Making Hair Butter & Scalp Conditioner

1oz Unrefined Shea Butter
1oz Virgin Coconut Oil
1oz Sweet Almond Oil
1/2 Anhydrous Lanolin
1/8 oz Beeswax (Optional to keep butter firm in the the summer months)
Essential Oils

I used Rosemary & Tea Tree with a dash of peppermint and camphor essential oils for some tingle.

Massage into hair and scalp to stimulate circulation and promote hair growth. Great Hair and scalp moisturizer.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Shea Radiance at ACF 2007 National Conference

The African Christian Fellowship,USA held its Bi-Annual National Conference in Northern Virginia. Members from all over the United States congregated at the Dulles Hilton to Fellowship, Pray and plan economic strategies for the development of the African continent.

The 4 Core foundations of the ACF are:
Building Bridges within the US community
Building Our Families
Passing the Legacy of Faith and Good works to our children and
Reconnecting with the African continent

Meeting and Greeting Customers at the Shea Radiance Booth

Other Vendors