Thursday, August 16, 2007

Natural Remedies for Eczema

Eczema can be caused by several factors that must be identified in order to minimize future recurrences
Some of these reasons might include:
Allergic reactions to foods such as dairy (Milk, cheese and milk are pretty common)
Reactions synthetic Fragrances & Dyes
Dryness caused by seasonal changes, goegraphic location, heaters or air conditioning

Reduce number of Bath/showers. Frequent bathing can be drying and aggravate eczema.
Avoid hot baths showers as these strip skin of oils and cause additional dryness, instead opt for a warm bath or shower.
Use a natural cold pressed soap. They are full of moisturizing oils and are less drying than commercial soaps


Moisturize skin while it is still damp from Shower.
Select moisturizers rich in Shea Butter, Cocoa butter and carrier oils such as Jojoba, Sweet Almond, grapeseed, Olive and avocado oils just to name a few.
It also helps if the moisturizer is rich in humectants like glycerin, aloe vera or honey which help retain moisture in the skin

Essential oils
Tlavender, geranium and carrot seed. Others to consider are chamomile, sandalwood, patchouli, rose, hyssop, palma rosa, rosemary, neroli and ylang-ylang. These are all reasonably gentle and nourishing for dry skin. Add about seven to twelve drops total of the essences of your choice to about one tablespoon of the carrier oil of your choice;

Friday, August 10, 2007

Still Counting Down to Grand Opening

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you have probably read about my challenges getting our online store open. I think we might e 95% there. We are having a problem with 'curl' files and our checkout modules so our shopping cart is not quite ready. Aaagh!! I will keep you updated

Monday, August 06, 2007

Spa Treatments for the Hurried Mum

It's quite ironic that as maker of spa products I sometimes struggle to take the time to enjoy the products I make. I am surrounded by the finest oils, butters, fragrances, scrubs and salts that would make any product junkie envious, and yet it takes some effort and planning for me to treat myself to a much needed spa treatment. Like most working mothers with a business and household to run it is very easy to neglect taking care of yourself.

Here are a few things you can do to pamper yourself in little or no time

Cleanse: Always, always use a natural cold pressed soap. You will find that natural cold pressed soaps are rich in glycerin and are further enriched with cocoa and shea butter. Cold pressed soaps are not drying and leave your skin feeling clean and soft

Polish: A good goal would be to exfoliate weekly. You can do this with a sugar or salt scrub mixed in nourishing oils. I like to exfoliate after I take a shower. Exfoliation increases blood supply which in turn improves circulation. Exfoliating also sloughs off dead dry skin. Pay particular attention to rough areas like the knees, elbows and heels. Your skin should feel silky, smooth and moist after exfoliating, never dry.

Moisturize: Slather up with your favorite natural lotion or body butter.

You skin will feel revitalized and refined after this process. Take Care of Yourself

Making Body Butters and Cooking

I love making whipped butters. It's like making a cake from scratch. You whip your butters and oils together into white frothy mousse, drizzle with humectants and then scent with your favorite fragrances. Making bath and body products using natural ingredients is like cooking. You start off with the freshest and best ingredients you can get and create a thing of beauty that is both nutritious and hopefully delicious.

I was in my kitchen the other day whipping up a batch of whipped body butters for my customers,and I it occurred to me that shea butter is like potatoes, yes I said it, potatoes. They are both very versatile products and they are so good for you. Think about the many things you can do with a simple potato. You can cut it into wedges to fry or bake, you can bake it whole, you can whip it, make a casserole, add it to soups and curries and so much more.

You can do a lot with Shea Butter, you can whip it, make a thick body butter, make a light emulsion or a heavy cream, body scrubs, lip balms, therapeutic balm, soaps and more.